About Us

The Mission of Edgemont Bible Church:

To glorify God by guiding those we target into a discipleship relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


What We Believe

Edgemont Bible Church is a local, independent, Bible-believing church. We believe in the inerrant, infallible, verbal plenary inspiration of the Bible, the virgin birth, absolute deity, sinless life, atoning death, and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His high-priestly work in heaven, salvation by grace through faith, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the pre-millennial coming of Christ for His church, the great tribulation, the return of Christ, the judgment and eternal doom of the lost, and the judgment and eternal reward of the saved.

Church membership is encouraged for all who attend Edgemont Bible Church.

Statement Of Faith Values



Church Ordinances

Edgemont Bible Church observes baptism by immersion and the Lord\’s supper. Both are open to any believer who has professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Membership in Edgemont Bible Church is not required for participation in baptism or the Lord\’s supper.

Church Government

Edgemont Bible Church operates as an independent, autonomous, local church according to its Constitution and Bylaws. The governing body is the Official Board which is composed of elders and deacons. We are a member of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America.

Things Most Dearly Believed


\”Pastor White is a very knowledgeable, personable, and loving guy! You can\’t help but love him back!\”

How You Can Be Part

Membership is open to believers who have professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior, who are in agreement with the church\’s Statement of Faith, and who are following biblical standards of faith and practice.

Anyone interested in church membership should complete an \”Application for Church Membership\” (available in the office) and contact one of the elders or pastors.

Service Opportunities

Service opportunities include Sunday School Classes, Sunday Morning Worship Service, Bible Studies, Missions, and many others. For a more complete list of ministries at Edgemont, please visit one of our ministries pages.



